The EASY Way to Great Abs

379909c5-9f6a-4f62-9713-2ac3d96e33d0.png #1 Don't Run the Mile Everyday

That's right, DON'T run the mile everyday. "Your body can interpret excessive exercise as stress, causing you to retain fluid and become constipated." That's not good! Solution? Try walking or yoga instead.

#2 MYTH: You can't get rock hard abs doing Pilates

False. Pilates is an excellent ab workout! It focuses on working out your core. If you do Pilates along with cardio and dieting well, you are bound to get that rock hard six pack!

#3 Do the Bicycle

NO, not the dance move. We're talking about the ab workout. Lie on the floor, hands behind your head. Then lift your body and bring your right elbow to meet your left knee. Alternate, meet the left elbow with your right knee. Do a few reps, feel the burn!

#4 MYTH: Sit-ups everyday=Six Pack Abs.

MYTH: You need to work on your abs everyday to get that rock hard six pack. FACT: Your muscles need to rest and recover after a workout in order to build. Instead of daily, work out your abs 3 times a week.

#5 Drink more water!

Here's a fun fact: drinking more water can help you retain less water because it carries out elements that cause you to bloat like salt, for example. So drink up!

#6 MYTH: You need a weight machine to get firm.

That is false, you do not need a weight machine to get firm muscles. Those Greek gods seemed pretty firm and they probably didn't have a Bowflex around. That's not to say they don't work, however. Many weight machines are not designed for women and this can lead to injury. Best advice: stick to a yoga mat and the floor for a good ab workout.

#7 Can't go wrong with crunches!

Looking for an ab exercise? The classic crunch workout always works. But, make sure you are keeping good form and working the right muscles! Keep your chin a fist's-length away from you chest and don't pull your head with your hands! For a better burn, hold and squeeze for a moment at the top of your crunch.

#8 MYTH: Super slow crunches make your stronger

Super slow crunches will not make your stronger or give you a better workout. Sure, steady and controlled crunches will get your abs burning, but if you're spending a minute per crunch, you're not getting a better workout than you would with regular crunches and your workout could be less-effective!

#9 Potassium is Your Friend!

Extra salt can cause your belly to do a little bloating. Counteract this bloating with foods high in potassium. Some good ones include bananas, tomatoes, almonds, salmon, and cherries.

#10 MYTH: The best time to work on abs is at the end of a workout

Physically, it makes no difference when during your workout you work on your abs. The only thing to be aware of is that if you do train your abs at the beginning of a workout, you need to make sure you warm your body up first. You can avoid injury by getting your blood flowing before you work out.

#11 Get 2x the results in half the time!

Only have a limited amount of time to work on your abs a day? Don't worry, there's a way to get twice the results from your workout in half the time! The secret? Slow down! When you're doing crunches, don't breeze through them. Take 4 counts to sit up. At the peak of your exercise, do 10 small pulses. Then take another 4 counts to sit back down. Feel that burn!

#12 MYTH: A good ab workout should take 30 min

You do not need to work on your abs a solid 30 minutes to get the best results. You should feel your abs burning long before 30 minutes! If you don't, you're doing something wrong. Check your form!

#13 Try the Marine Crunch

Want abs like a Marine? Try this. Lie on your back with your legs straight up so you're hips create a 90 degree angle and your arms reaching for the ceiling. At the same time, lift your legs and hips off the floor and reach for your toes. Doesn't that burn?

#14 Watch the condiments!

Condiments are high in salt and as we have learned, salt causes puffiness and bloating. The next time you order a sandwich hold the mayo and mustard. Or, on your next sushi date, skip out on the soy sauce. A tablespoon of soy sauce contains nearly half a day's consumption of sodium!

#15 Keep an eye on those carb-snacks!

Too many carbs can result in bloating. Snacks like bars and candies are high in glycerin or sugar alcohols. Your body struggles to digest these carbs and therefore, you get bloating. Stick to fruits and nuts!