Blasting Your bench!

Blasting The Chest!
In this editorial I am going to speak about what I feel is the most effective and growth promoting workout for the chest.
Blasting The Chest!
In this editorial I am going to speak about what I feel is the most effective and growth promoting workout for the chest. The large majority of bodybuilders and weight training fanatics feel that a chest workout is not thought about “complete” without utilizing free-weight barbell press as their primary and core exercise. Lots of of these individuals also think that strength is relative to size and are more intrigued by training their egos with heavy poundage they cannot handle in lieu of utilizing proper form and weight choice and actually stimulating the fibers of the chest to promote growth in the work of recovery time.
Speaking of recovery time, it also amazes me how these selective individuals appear to have the ability to train chest four to one time per week. It makes me wonder what they think about an effective workout. Is it a workout that doesn’t promote growth to the chest but makes poundage go up by small increments on a every month or yearly basis? If this is so, you should not be reading this editorial. This editorial if for those who need actual chest growth, don’t have an ego, and don’t get pissed off when they must sacrifice their “brute poundage” for a more efficient workout.
Stimulating The Chest

The chest workout that I will present is the current chest workout that I have found to be most effective at stimulating the chest. This workout incorporates techniques that lots of people don’t think in or follow due to observation. I feel that the main reason in which people won’t utilize the four techniques that I will speak about is due to the fact that they are whimsical to endure the pain that these principles can inflicting on the body.
Most bodybuilders and weight trainers would use straight sets (which don’t cause much pain on the body), and they would also use their heavy poundage that they feel proud of achieving. I mean what is worse than having to drop the weight that you could using and actually suffer while using it? But in the event you need to have a barrel sized chest with striations and veins walking through it, I feel these techniques are the only way to blast the chest to get it to that point of growth. The 5 techniques that are used in all of my workouts are: pre-exhaust, triple drop sets, and also rest pause, and my four new favorites – tremendous slow, and extreme stretching. Without these techniques I would be lost at a sub-intensity level and not accomplish the feeling of accomplishment that I do with these principles.
So now with a simple background on what you will be up for lets introduce the most beneficial workout for the chest. This workout always begins on the Pec-deck fly machine. Why might you ask? Well it is only the best machine to fully isolate the chest and pre-exhaust it to its full extent. Lets paint a picture. Most people on chest day will go straight to the flat press, don’t get me wrong its an excellent movement but it’s downfalls.
When using the flat barbell press. When you reach failure your triceps and shoulders usually give out before you can fully blast and stimulate the chest. But with pre-exhaust your chest, and only your chest will already be stimulated before you get to the flat press. So back to the workout, my workout partner and I will usually warm up with some light sets before they start to inflict the pain. On this machine, one working set will be preformed. With the style that it is preformed in you wont want/be able to perform another set in a similar fashion.

The Workout
All right, now lets get this workout going. After a few light warm up sets on the pec-deck they are then prepared for our one working set. The style in which the set is preformed is a triple drop set with forced reps and also slow reps in the work of the set. Now the set has begun, 6 to 8 slow and controlled reps are preformed before I start to reach failure. My partner then steps in and helps me further complete another 2-4 reps. I have completed the first of the four sets and now the weight stack has been reduced slightly. With no times rest the second set has begun and 4 to 6 slow reps are preformed to failure with an additional 2-4 partner assisted reps.

The stack has then been reduced again and a similar set as the earlier is preformed, but this time I am liking to add some pauses at the stretch and also the contraction. After this triple drop set my chest is on fire and in pain to call it quits for the day. 
But hey, that is the pre-exhaustion, right?
After your first working set, your chest will be pumped beyond belief and hurting to feel like you did a full workout, but they still must do presses! The next exercise that I use is the Incline smith press. I feel that this hits the chest ideal in the event you angle it right. After one or four warm-ups they proceed to our (like the pec-deck) one working set, like the Deck-Deck they are performing a triple drop. With the set begun I hit 4-5 reps with four second negatives, after I reached failure I get 2-3 partner assisted reps.
The weight is dropped, and the same set and rep protocol is preformed until I reach failure. Again the weight is dropped and the same style set is preformed to complete the triple drop.
With my chest destroyed beyond belief I move on to my third and final exercise, which is flat dumbbell pres, rest-pause. This exercise is like a finishing up for the chest due to the fact that it will be destroyed from the four earlier sets. After picking a weight that is moderately heavy I bang out 8-10 reps with five-second negatives, and place them back up on my thighs in a seated position. After 15-20 seconds rest I again proceed to do another set, this time only getting 3-4 reps with five-second negatives. The weight is then rested again and I final set is preformed only getting 2-3 reps and a 20 second hold at mid point at the finish, ouch.
About The Workout
The last, what I think about exercise, is the stretch. What is this you ask? This is a method that I use generated from Anabolic Extreme. It is one of the most recent additions to my workouts and it is probably one of the best additions. To do this you pick a weight you can handle on flies for a set of 6-8, but you don’t perform reps. You start with the weight at the top positions and slowly do a 8 second negative. When the weight is at the deepest stretch you hold it for 50 seconds trying your hardest not to drop it. Try this for three weeks and tell me the way you chest looks, and also how much better your stability on press movements has improved.
Well, that is the workout in a nutshell. In the event you won’t do it consistently, at least try it one time and see what it feels like to actually have a sore chest for 4-5 days after. This is one of the most brutal workouts I have completed for chest and I think you may feel the same about it. With this workout my chest has been hellishly sore for 4 or more days and got as nauseous as a leg workout after my triple drops. But in the event you do select to do it consistently you will notice a large improvement in your chest immediately. Give it a shot and tell me what you think!
Exercise Warm-ups Sets Reps
Pec-deck fly 2-3 1 Triple drop
Incline Smith press 2 1 Triple drop
Flat dumbbell press 1 1 Rest pause
Stretch (flat fly) 50 seconds to 1 minute